
We want our websites to be accessible for everyone. Here are some of the ways we’ve designed this site to make it more accessible:


We use ‘alt’ tags. These describe images if you cannot see them.


We use header elements to structure the pages and make information clearer.


All the text on this site can be resized (with the exception of a handful of images displaying text) to make it easier for you to read. (Find out how to do this by reading the instructions further down this page).


There are several ways to navigate our site – including a navigation bar and sitemap.

How do I change the font size on my web browser?

To change the size of your font, simply follow the steps for your web browser below:
Mac users please note, where you are told to hold down control, please use the Apple key instead.

Internet Explorer:

From the Tools menu, select the 'Zoom' option and choose from predefined percentage values or percentage changes. The default is 100%.

Mozilla Firefox:

From the 'View' menu, select the 'Zoom' option and choose from 'Zoom in', 'Zoom out', 'Reset' or 'Zoom text only'.


From the menu, select 'Page', then 'Zoom' and choose from predefined percentage values or percentage changes. The default is 100%.


From the menu, select the ‘Zoom' menu, and choose from Zoom in' Zoom out' or Zoom text only.


From the 'Customise and control Google Chrome' menu, select the 'Zoom' option and choose from predefined percentage values or percentage changes. The default is 100%.

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